4 types of people in the face of various kinds of pressures

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MANY ways to assess one's original character. But this is an adequate way

simple to identify 4 types of people in the face of various pressures. For real tekananlah very form the character and characters, as well as determining how people react to this condition in the future.
Simply put there are 4 types of people in the face of various kinds of pressure:

1. Type of metal plates, this type of person, initially as a strong receiving pressure,
such as metal plates, but if it receives constant pressure then
This metal plate will eventually be hooked as well, meaning the type of person he was initially able to
overcome the pressure that comes, but when the pressure goes a long long menderunya
diminished mental endurance, he surrendered after a long time, until finally there is a
entered into despair, but there are advantages of this type at least he can survive
in the early phase before he surrendered, in fact this type of person can be assisted to
improve mental resilience, with a little guidance and encouragement to continue
forward and never give up in the face of pressure to evoke the soul
challenging, if we continue to accompany this type of person could develop into better
and keeps getting better, when the consciousness in him to feel challenged to
facing all the difficulties and pressure.

2. This type of foam / foam (sponge), the type of person is quite good in receiving pressure, such as
case foam / cork, flexible, can adapt itself to the pressure and rapid
back to original form, the type of person is very flexible in the face of pressure, and
Generally this type can survive and better cope with all the pressure and

3. Eggshell types, people with this type is very fragile, a little under pressure
have already broken charcoal, often this type of stress and can enter into
depression to bring a sense of desperation, actually people of this type can be fixed
temperament and character as long as he has the closest people who always
support and help all the difficulty, not so he must rely
with others, but we can help these people to foster mental resilience
by growing confidence from within, that of consciousness itself,
if this type of person would want to try to hard he could alter the character and
character towards the better.

4. Type bekel ball or ping-pong ball, this is the ideal type of person than on all types of
above, this type is very expressive to pressure, such as ball bekel / ping pong, if
slam / pressed more bounce to and fro, that type of person is not easy
surrender, he was always looking for a way out of any pressure, even pressure
he found made him more creative and expressive to deal with all the pressure and
difficulty, usually people with this type can achieve success in the field
Of the four types that have been presented, including which of you? No need
worry if you're not the ideal type as the type of ball bekel, each of shortage can

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